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What changed?

American Revolution

America wins its independence in the American Revolution ➡️ America loses the American Revolutionary War and is subjected to further British rule

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America forms its own constitution ➡️ British force Americans to sign law document with restrictive policies; 200 years later, Nixon and Reagan become the framers

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Louisiana Purchase

The United States buys the Louisiana Territory ➡️ British and French troops increase tensions at the border

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Westward Expansion

The United States expands west of the Louisiana Territory ➡️ France expands its empire westward and grows the Territory

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War of 1812

The United States and Britain fight over impressment ➡️ Britain and France fight over the Louisiana Territory

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The Confederacy secedes from the Union ➡️ the Colonies secede from Britain

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Civil War

The Civil War is fought between the Union and the Confederacy (Union wins) ➡️ a second Revolutionary War is fought between the Colonies and Britain (and Britain wins)

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The North forces the South to adopt civil rights reforms ➡️ Britain enforces a stricter crackdown after their victory

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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution emerges as a game-changer for farming, transportation, and textiles ➡️ British force all American civilians to work in factories for little or no pay

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World War I

World War I fought between Allied and Central Powers ➡️ War fought over labor rights in America

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Great Depression

Great Depression caused due to economic panic ➡️ Depression caused by American workers' labor strike

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World War II

Allied Forces win World War II ➡️ Hitler's Nazi Party wins the war and achieves European domination

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Civil Rights Movement

Movement for Civil Rights results in real legislative change ➡️ Civil Rights protests immediately shut down by the British

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Second American Revolutionary War

The Second American Revolutionary War does not occur ➡️ American organized militias organize an overthrow of British governance

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Rise of "Traditional" Conservatism

Reagan comes to power with the backing of evangelicals ➡️ Reagan comes to power with populism after 200 years of monarchism

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Cold War

The Cold War is fought between the US and USSR ➡️ The two countries view each other as allies and partners

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9/11 Attacks

The Al-Qaeda terrorist group carries out attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon ➡️ The group carries out attacks on other significant sites around the world, but does not attack the US, a relatively small country compared to Britain

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Presidency of Donald Trump

The disastrous presidency of Donald Trump lasts from 2017-2021, culminating in the attack on the US Capitol ➡️ This presidency lasts from 2005-2025, failing to address several crises

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Attack on the US Capitol

A mob fails to overthrow the Congress ➡️ mob encouraged by Trump successfully takes over the Capitol and restores Trump in power, where he remains for four years until his death.

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